As it is to be expected, the Oronsaye Address is aback in the news. And this should not be surprising. Any 18-carat attack at agreeable with the Nigerian asperity charge be a no-hold-barred affirmation with the cogent issues that lie abaft Nigeria’s disability to accomplish absolute advance aback independence. And one such affair is the bulk of babyminding bulk that has ensure that astronomic bulk of bread-and-butter monies is spent on authoritative diffusion and redundancies. And out of all the 18-carat attempts that accept been generated to aboveboard action and arrest Nigeria’s alluvion added into underdevelopment, one of the unarguably axiological is the Address of the Presidential Committee on Restructuring and Cause of Federal Government Parastatals, Commissions and Agencies aka the Stephen Oronsaye Report.
Nigeria’s babyminding acclimation is one of the best big-ticket in the world. And the simple association of this is that by the time alternate bulk has eaten a ample block of the budget, there is almost little larboard for basal and infrastructural projects that are adapted to accomplish activity accessible for Nigerians. To accept the acceptation of the Oronsaye Address requires situating it aural the actual aisle of how Nigeria came to the accountability of cher babyminding structure. The 1970s, accurately afterwards the adverse Civilian War, was a aeon that saw a action of institutional multiplication in authoritative responsibilities. This was actually a aeon of civic optimism based on several issues. The war had aloof been concluded. Crude oil had been apparent and was bringing in astronomic bulk of money. The development planning had entered into its additional appearance with some admeasurement of successes. Yet, there was no able absorption paid to how these aforementioned factors could facilitate authoritative complacence.
By the time the Additional Civic Development Plan (1970-1975) would booty off, it was undergirded by the bread-and-butter aesthetics that placed the federal government at the advantageous acme of the abridgement aural the again ascendant archetype of Keynesianism. This was already apprenticed by the unitary framework that had been imposed on the Nigerian 1963 Constitution by the Ironsi administration. And again the immense acquirement from oil larboard the federal government ample in petrodollar. Finally, the coercion of accomplishing civic affiliation demands that the authoritative machineries of government charge be alloyed with a civic activating that will lay the foundation of civic unity. This instigated the charge to aggrandize the federal accessible service, afterwards any agnate thoughts accustomed to its administering and appraisal in agreement of babyminding dynamics. In the final analysis, and beneath the amplitude of the assumption of representativeness, the civilian account aggrandized above any achievability of authoritative efficiency. And it gradually began to lose the accommodation for centralized analytical assessment.
It became inevitable, beneath the blitz for application not akin by active due action in animal ability management, that the aboriginal activating to abate is the centralized enactment ascendancy apparatus that was one of the colonial authoritative legacies that fabricated the accessible account a axiological bequest for the beginning Nigerian state. This centralized authoritative apparatus was congenital about the ascendancy apparatus antecedent of alignment and acclimation (O&M)and the treasury ascendancy of enactment that criterion the acclimation of basal and alternate budget. The amount elements of this controls were the manpower forecasting and planning acclimation of identifying, planning and acting aloft animal ability requirements and problems accompanying to the abstraction of the role of the accompaniment in the active of the civic economy, as able-bodied as the trend assay of service’s advance in admeasurement and amplification of the ambit of responsibilities.
Once the centralized authoritative apparatus became vitiated, the domino aftereffect of authoritative abatement became inevitable. And so abounding authoritative functions and processes became irretrievably accustomed that systematically bankrupt bottomward the centralized apparatus of efficiency. These include: the analytical planning for abbreviate and abiding needs; forecasting of retirement; abrasion rates; advancing vacancies founded on alternate anatomic reviews (to actuate changes in tasks as a aftereffect of government’s new action targets and programme emphases); structural changes and breakthrough of workload incidental; basal restructuring due to privatization of government concerns; outsourcing (monetization action as for example); alternate cadre and action audits; assay of the acclimation of service; abolishment of abandoned posts; ascendancy of the conception of new post, units, departments and agencies; accounting for autonomous retirements, retrenchments, and agents abridgement due to action reengineering; automation and acclimation changes; etc.
The additional ambit of the bulk of babyminding asperity the Nigerian accompaniment was confronted with derives from creating ad hoc assignment force structures and units of government business alongside to the absolute authoritative structures in acclimation to accomplish what is admired as a adjustable authoritative acclimation unencumbered by authoritative codes, rules and regulations, and with the accommodation to adore self-accounting cachet in agreement of assets deployed for their use. And this is added circuitous by the archetype of these alongside structures above anniversary accompaniment of the alliance as acreage offices as acknowledgment to our appropriately abortive federalism. It takes little absorption to see how the affluence of auctioning the agents backbone of these ad hoc arrange on the boilerplate accessible account leads to the causeless amplification in an institutional ambience whose centralized ascendancy apparatus has burst down. The association of these ad hoc alongside structures is the capital abridgement of any accurate frameworks and ambit for chargeless not alone the enactment of new agencies, commissions and structures, but additionally their activity and ability vis-à-vis absolute babyminding objectives and dynamics, and cost-sensitive action to wind them up aback they accept accomplished the objectives of their establishment.
And these alongside structures, units and agencies are staffed not with an absorption to the accumulated requirements of the federal civilian account or its bloated-ness or otherwise, but based on an approximate authoritative and apostolic staffing dynamics that depression lots of deadwoods assimilate the system. This is added complicated by the convenance by the politicians of authoritative the civilian account a auctioning arena for clearing their political cronies, affair supporters and indigenous base. And finally, already these workers are recruited, alfresco of all accustomed meritocratic attack and animal ability administering dynamics, they activate a bit-by-bit but abiding acceleration aural a acclimation that is pathologically authoritative in the faculty of advantageous extra-administrative, rather than able and performance-rooted, practices. And they are backed by a awful amalgamated career acclimation that locks the government perpetually into an adversarial automated affiliation which not alone capitalizes on government’s clueless babyminding protocols, but additionally attenuate any attempts at 18-carat authoritative move that are accessory to civic development trajectory.
Enters the Oronsaye Report…
When the Presidential Committee, headed by Mr. Stephen Oronsaye, was constituted on 8 August, 2011, it was bright that government itself was acquainted of the abhorrent cesspool that the bulk of babyminding affair was accepting on the civic development dynamics of the Nigerian accompaniment which had been a accountable of blatant advancement for decades. The Jonathan administering that set up the Presidential Committee was responding both to the accretion of bulk occasioned by the abounding bombastic ad hoc structures of government and the burning charge to accomplish babyminding accountability that will advance to ability in the conduct of government business. And ability can alone be accomplished if the Ministries, Departments and Agencies were repositioned to accomplish “more for less;” and to “achieve added with beneath resources”.
In accustomed out its business, the Committee was guided by bristles axiological principles:
(a) the bread-and-butter challenges and the charge for Government to accomplish added able use of its assets to accomplish its development objectives and goals; (b) the actuality that Nigeria had undertaken reforms in the accomplished and acquaint were learnt; (c) it was astute to ameliorate to accommodated the challenges of a bigger socio-political and bread-and-butter association ; (d) there was no charge to actualize addition anatomy to accomplish the functions of an already absolute approved entity; the actuality that an academy was inefficient and abortive should not accreditation the conception of a new one; and (e) the ameliorate would ensure able and able administering of Government structures and functionaries to agreement bigger account commitment and acceptable governance.
In summary, the Oronsaye Address establishes as follows: (i) that there are 541 Federal Government parastatals, commissions and agencies (statutory and non-statutory); (ii) 263 of the approved agencies should be bargain to 161;38 agencies should be abolished; (iii) 52 agencies should be merged; and (iv) 14 should backslide aback to departments in ministries. Afterwards the Presidential Committee submitted its report, the government in about-face set up a White Paper Drafting Committee, headed by Mr. Mohammed Bello Adoke, SAN, the Honourable Attorney-General of the Federation, to abstraction the recommendations of the Oronsaye Committee and to aftermath a White Paper on the Report. Aback the White Paper was submitted, as was to be expected, the Government on its allotment accustomed onlyvery few ofthe recommendations, with a above cardinal rejectedand noted.
The allegation of the White Paper, aback it was assuredly appear for the accessible in 2014, was greeted by alloyed reactions from Nigerians. And best importantly, it was appear to a host of civic affairs that accepted inauspicious to its implementation. First, 2014 was aloof a year abroad from an acclamation year, and it would be authentic political suicide for the government of the day to apparatus a address that would become a accountability for its admiration for balloter victory. No government, about its acceptable civic intention, needs a ability abject to be able to facilitate any such acceptable intention. The Jonathan administering additionally bare accomplishment in the 2015 accepted acclamation to be in the backing aboriginal if anytime it was to again appear aback to the accomplishing of the Oronsaye Report. 2014 was additionally the year aback Nigeria rebased her economy. and afterward a decade of high-end GDP advance rate, it was not hasty that Nigeria came out of the rebasing exercise as the better abridgement in Africa, over her keenest rival, South Africa. Thus, this was too abundant of a civic account to be chaotic by the accomplishing of the Report. The adverse end of this cause applies to the Buhari administering in its aboriginal incarnation. There was no way a government aggressive astute bread-and-butter recession would be accommodating to accomplish itself to the recommendations of the Report, admitting the actuality that the administering was gluttonous badly to legitimize itself in the eyes of Nigerians and facilitate ability in government business that will convention ability and productivity.
In the final analysis, from the government acknowledgment to the address and the reactions of a array of Nigerians, we are fatigued aback to the assuming of Nigeria as a “hesitant” reformer. In 2005, Professor Ladipo Adamolekun conducted a accurate claiming of 29 African countries on their ameliorate activities. His abstraction appear that these African countries can be categorized into four groups based on their ameliorate attitudes—the avant-garde reformers (like Botswana), the committed reformers (like Cameroon), the afraid reformers (like Nigeria), and the non-starters (like Somalia). And the re-emergence of the Address at this time of the additional apotheosis of the Buhari administering is no beneath inauspicious. While the aboriginal administering was bedridden by bread-and-butter recession, the bad account now is the confusion of the COVID-19. All above the world, the coronavirus communicable has debilitated the economies of alike the best avant-garde states in the world. Every country is addled beneath the after-effects of deaths, infections, unemployment and alternation that the virus has inflicted on humankind. While we ability accordingly accede that any attack to accede cause at this aeon could alone add to the pains and adversity of Nigerians who are already debilitated by the pandemic, it is additionally a adage that there is never any acceptable time to apparatus a aerial ameliorate that has been in the apathy for abounding years. no ameliorate of babyminding dynamics is anytime palatable. And, as the adage goes, it is absurd to eat omelet afterwards breaking eggs. 2020 is accordingly as acceptable as any year to apparatus the Oronsaye Report. and we charge not abort to acclaim the adventuresomeness of a government that eventually allotment to this address in the face of continuing disability in the MDAs and abbreviating civic productivity.
For any country, and abnormally for Nigeria, these are abhorrent times. To say that the Nigerian abridgement is adverse approaching recession is a gross understatement. There is a massive blast of the all-embracing oil prices, there is already in abode an bread-and-butter stagnation occasioned by the pandemic. The country is accepting bound by ascent alien loans in animosity of the black actuality that twenty bristles percent of the federal acquirement is spent annually on application absolute debts portfolios. And the adopted assets keeps accepting alarmingly depleted. If the government accordingly is not committed to implementing this Address this year to finer abate the bulk of babyminding and its accountability on infrastructural development and abundance in Nigeria, again there is no added time that will be auspicious.
Report and the Above Babyminding Issues
We cannot belittle the acceptation of the Oronsaye Address to the recuperation of Nigeria;s abundance dynamics. And it is accepting this abundance cast adapted that opens the aboideau for added infrastructural development that will fundamentally transform the abundance of Nigeria. This is area we accept been aiming for aback independence. Unfortunately, I am of the able confidence that the Oronsaye Address can alone do so little to get us to the algid of abrasive the bulk of babyminding asperity that has bedfast Nigeria’s able deployment of her assets for far too long. There are two cogent affidavit for my conviction.
First, we all will accept that the address is concerned, and accurately too, with ability accumulation at the macro-institutional akin (though alfresco of the authoritative dynamics of the amount ministries and their appliance to the success of the abundance battle). This it did by absorption on eliminating bombastic and bifold agencies’ functions through alliance and/or merger. However, this is a angle that is not abolitionist abundantly to attenuate the abysmal decay that had been created by abounding years of authoritative inefficiency. The address had actually annihilation to say about the role of the accompaniment in civic development, and what implications a redefinition of the role of government in managing the development action would accept for structure, action and account commitment business archetypal of the absolute accessible service. All over the world, managerialism and the authoritative anarchy in accessible administering and the accessible account are enjoining a axiological assay of the accompaniment and its overlordship in the abridgement and in governance. Hence, absolute ameliorate accomplishment begins with reexamining the role the accompaniment affliction to comedy in jumpstarting the accelerated bread-and-butter growth. And that role is basically one of firststeering, again authoritative administering of the abridgement that allows both accompaniment and nonstate actors to coexist aural the babyminding amplitude to facilitate adorning dynamics. In the final analysis, the Oronsaye Committee address is at best a aboriginal akin booze band-aid to the abiding bulk of babyminding crisis that bedevils Nigeria. It is alone a analytical aboriginal step.
At addition systemic level, the Oronsaye address fails to allege to what would be a best cogent institutional and bread-and-butter after-effects of rationalization. Whether we are able to face it or not, institutional cause carries the accountability of back-up administering that generally comes with the affliction of curtailment and downsizing. Alike if, for the account of the politics,the Oronsaye Address is bound to targeting aerial bulk and amount extenuative to facilitate a no-job-loss-palliative. Yet, such an advantage cannot escape the bulk of human-induced redundancies and accessory disability in accommodation appliance and associated abundance challenges. The merger-acquisition-undertakers dynamics to accomplishing of the address will no agnosticism advance accordingly to the abhorrent accountability of acquittal of severance bales which will be huge and unaffordable. And we do not charge any diviner to acquaint us how non-payment will be met with a added abrasive of the abundance dynamics through the reactions of a barter unionism founded on an adversarial automated relationthat see the government and administering teams as enemies. Yet, no one can animosity barter unions the case they accomplish on account of their members. Aback the accessible account downsizes, it brings untold accident to those who accept consistently been accessible agents all their lives, and appropriately had annihilation abroad to abatement aback on aback they face retrenchment. A government cannot irresponsibly accession hopes of abandoned bodies through adventuresome adventitious application contracts, alone to deathwatch up brief to appetite to bandy bodies with a activity into the algid afterwards reasonable cover. And, from the adverse archetype of the civilian account abolition of 1975, government is not consistently accessible and able to put calm a post-retirement amalgamation that will advice those afflicted by the downsizing to accomplish some akin of dignity, and that will amuse the barter unions on account of their members.
Beyond the Oronsaye Address …holding the Ameliorate Balderdash by the Horn
Let me reiterate: the Oronsaye Address is a solid and acute aboriginal footfall on the way to an able unraveling of the bulk of babyminding asperity Nigeria has been aggressive with aback independence. And the courage of the Buhari administering should be accustomed for chief to go through with this aboriginal footfall in cleansing the Augean abiding of an inefficient government business apparatus that has consistently bootless to accommodated up with Nigeria’s abundance challenge. However, to get to the amount of the affair of the bulk of babyminding is to go all the way rather than bisected of it. There is accordingly an burning charge to go above a apparent footfall appear a added systemic, analytical and accurate framing and analytic compassionate of the crisis. And there are several authoritative and babyminding means to go about this. In added words, there are several administrative, aldermanic and built-in things that will accredit the government put the Address in able perspectives aural the babyminding framework of the Nigerian state.
Reform is a aerial business that becomes complicated and blowzy if not appropriately placed in cogent contexts and decidedly sequenced in means that will eventually advance to the achievements of the set objectives and targets. Two contextual ameliorate issues are important for the government to note. First, any accidental accomplishing of the mergers, accretion and eliminations recommended by the Oronsaye Report, if not appropriately managed, will aftereffect in deepening the crisis of a around collapsedand already brittle authoritative system. To accentuate this point, we alone charge to about-face our absorption to how the structural acclimation programme debilitated analytical authoritative structures, processes and institutions aback it was uncritically implemented by agitable reformers. I charge not adduce added than the abolition of the architectonics of authoritative statistics to abutment my point. All accessible agents aloof woke up one day to attestant a barbarous cut in the account arch for the capital columnist and advertisement of basal authoritative instruments—the account gazette, anniversary statistical digest, anniversary sectoral statistical bulletin, federal agents disposition list, accessible account anniversary reports, etc.—when the government columnist press was privatized. One could calmly see the abhorrent aftereffect of this on the anatomy of authoritative statistics in a pre-Internet period. Thus, ameliorate cannot be agitated through to success on the base of bald affection that is not undergirded by austere ability of accomplishments and consequences. Government charge accordingly activate to anticipate of a anatomic consultancy support, with able able accessible area adequacy handholding to foreclose the accepted conception-reality gap in the dynamics of change administering that debilitated accomplishing of accomplished reforms;and to acclimatized the dizzying affection that will appear the accomplishing of the Report. Such a consultancy account will accompany the accomplishing aural a saner ambit of change administering that will adjust the accomplishing to final objectives in anatomic review.
Second, there will be attempts to annex the Oronsaye Address from extensive its abounding accomplishing adorable outcomes and potentials. This is a analytic association of situating axiological ameliorate measures aural a ambience of an already besmirched babyminding space. Parochial and biased interests will consistently be accessible to asphyxiate the abounding impacts of the Report. The ameliorate acquaintance of added countries provides the insights that will accredit the government to admit the abutment of eminent administrator, civilian association organisations and added aboveboard individuals to facilitate the accomplishing and success of the Report. For instance, for Margaret Thatcher to ensure the success of the UK authoritative reforms in the 1980s, she appointed Lord Rainer, administrator and CEO of Mark and Spenser as the advance ameliorate figure. There is no point in avaricious the ameliorate balderdash by the horn if we are not accessible to battle it to the arena to get what we want.
Once the ambience of bribery is factored into the closing success of the reform, we can again activate to break the fundamentals of implementation. And the aboriginal acclimation of business is that the government charge to accept the acceptation of built-in legislation in accomplishments of the recommendations of the Report. Axiological changes, of the blazon adapted not alone by the Report, but by the ameliorate of government business, requires close legislation to accord them acknowledged teeth to be able to accomplish what they are meant to achieve. For instance, there is an burning charge to bang off with several built-in amendments that aftermath actual blind fruits, like abandoning the accompaniment advocacy of religious pilgrimages, a actual desperate abridgement to the cardinal of ministries anon functional, the charge to actively abate the all-inclusive numbers of claimed aides that appear the controlling and aldermanic accoutrements of government, or alike an alteration of area 147 of the Nigerian Constitution that gives the admiral and governors admiral to accredit ministers and commissioners from the 36 states additional FCT at federal level.
The additional akin of added built-in claiming requires a alternation of accurate reviews that probes actual abysmal into the built-in ambience to appraise the cracks and fissures that accept debilitated the accommodation of our autonomous babyminding acclimation to acceleration up to the claiming of development. I am talking about the abandoned economics of a non-developmental federalism that uncharacteristically advance its deficient assets actual attenuate over careless authoritative redundancies advance above the federal, accompaniment and bounded government areas. Nigeria’s presidential acclimation constitutes one of the best uncreative, expensive, careless and bootless in the world. And it is alone at the above built-in akin that legislation can be provided to affluence the way for the access of the Oronsaye Address as a cogent bed-making action that keys into the aldermanic dynamics.
The admirable algid of the federal government is to accomplish a abundance archetype about-face that is founded on transforming the business archetypal of government business dynamics through a modernizing ameliorate activity that about undermines wastages, redundancies and leakages. This requires a massive shakeup of the authoritative archetypal of the MDAs in such a way that demands a abundance analysis that will acuminate the focus of ministries and added authoritative structures on the accomplishment of key authoritative goals and priorities. Such an analysis will absolutely be founded on key elements of change administering that requires behavioral and attitudinal cultural changes. And this is absolutely area the accomplishing of the Oronsaye Address becomes an accepted ameliorate framework that will bear accretion allowances over time in agreement of ability and capability assets of the MDAs and their abundance capacities aural framework able by a ability change programme for which there are adjustable templates that could be bound calibrated. In its accepted significance, the Address will advice to actuate the actual important affair of phasing and sequencing of implementation, which charge ensure a adapted alignment of axiological reallocation of assets amid and aural agencies with adapted credibility in the allotment cycle.
The accomplished of the Oronsaye Report, aural the above built-in and aldermanic context, can again become captivated in a accurate authoritative action and processes to accomplish abstruse babyminding objectives. Government charge necessarily specify, through advisedly bent analytics and authoritative metrics, the ability extenuative targets that the civic abridgement actively optimally requires from all the MDAs above the sectors that could be realistically and sustainably extracted as absolute account extenuative percentages. It can alone be on the backbone of these targets that the ministries and agencies already active by the Address can be asked to advance to developing reviews and cause plans. These authoritative feedbacks will accredit the government to clear a accomplishment advance plan and a framework of bulk of babyminding abridgement measures on three analytical fronts:(i) articular bulk abridgement proxies; (ii) leverages for added ability in government circadian operations; and (iii) measures to strengthen accountability frameworks.
A acknowledged accomplishing of the Oronsaye Address additionally depends crucially on the charge to conduct a accurate accessible bulk assay (PER). The after-effects of such ample PER will again be activated to actuate new account ceilings for anniversary admiral and agencies aural a medium-term bulk framework. Anniversary admiral and bureau is again accountable to undertake anatomic reviews to accomplish a ambit of objectives:
iii. bear business affairs for action capability in animosity of account changes;
vii. action redesign to automate some processes would accept been achieved; and
viii. actuate non-core casework and activities for outsourcing to chargeless up the ability amplitude for the accomplishment of the amount mandates of the admiral and agency.
I will achieve with a answer of a axiological point I fabricated earlier. On the heel of the accomplishing of the Oronsaye Report, government actively needs to arise an employability training programme as allotment of a above post-retirement amalgamation that will abode accessible agents aural bristles years of retirement or beneath aural a framework of amusing aegis scheme. We cannot belittle the analytical accent of this measure. Wastages and leakages are generally the action of the manpower accident due to barter unionism and the adversarial automated relations we mentioned earlier. And a axiological ambit of the grievances of the barter unions is that the retirement deals offered best accessible agents eventually bandy them out in the cold, and alike beneath the bus already they leave service. no one can altercate with the argumentation of authoritative the post-retirement lifespan of accessible agents one they can footfall into with dignity. The Oronsaye Address will eventuate into downsizing and the pains that comes with it. The government should bethink that we cannot affliction too abundant for the acclimation at the amount of those who will accomplish the aforementioned acclimation efficient. The assignment of the 1975 authoritative abolition is simple: if we corrupt those backward or afflicted by any assured downsizing of the system, those still anatomic aural it will apprentice abrogating acquaint that will attenuate the acclimation itself. A post-retirement amalgamation accordingly is an able and irreducible move to brainwash affectionate professionalism into a workforce for able accomplishment and productivity.
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